"More wine, less whine." Brain Buzz Fly Bonnet
Product Description

PLEASE NOTE the $16.00 price INCLUDES shipping via First Class Mail. There are no additional shipping costs on the fly bonnets.
While wine improves with age, riding may improve with a wee bit of wine. At least, that’s what horses are probably thinking. Brain Buzz Fly Bonnets keep flies, gnats and uptight riders from annoying horses out on the trails. Wine bottle print ears and a poppin’ pink thought bubble will earn smiles and thumbs ups all around.
Fly bonnets can be worn under or over the bridle. A nifty cording works like a throat latch, allowing you to secure it further. These are standard horse size. If you need mule or draft size, please email pwages@neighsayers.net to special order for $1 more.
Think you know what your horse is thinking? Order one of the “Straight from my horse’s brain” customizable bonnets. Just let us know what you’d like printed inside the bubble. Multiple fabric options are available on those. Check out all the Brain Buzz Fly bonnets. You may also want to pick out a nice “Chardonneigh”, “Marelot” or “Pinto Noir” tee while you’re shopping the Neighsayers store. Just click on the tees tab on the left.
Red center thought bubble with wine bottle print ears.
Click on images for larger views.
For wholesale information, please call 770.262.5678 or email pwages@neighsayers.net